We’re four weeks into social distancing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
And the buzz phrase of the moment is definitely immune health.
But creating a stronger immune system is about more than taking supplements and drinking concoctions.
That’s why I’m sharing three immune health basics you should know.
Our immune system is a complex combination of cells and proteins that work together to defend our body against infection.
It keeps a record of every germ/toxin/virus it’s ever defeated so that the next time that germ enters our body, it can recognize it quickly – and destroy it.
Think of your immune system as a highly intelligent law enforcement agency.
We’ve got white blood cells (the detectives) on the hunt for invaders. Antibodies identify those invaders then mark them for destruction.
Once they’ve been identified and marked, invaders are carried through vessels in our body’s drainage system (the lymphatic system). So they can be destroyed and eventually eliminated from our body.
The mucous lining in our gut has antibodies. Aka the identifiers and markers of invaders. And the acid in our stomach is designed to kill most invaders.
But when our gut lining is leaky OR our stomach acid is low, the food we eat can enter the bloodstream and make it easy for the ‘detectives’ to mistake undigested food as invaders – creating digestive and immune havoc.
Remember, immune health is about more than just taking vitamins and eating certain foods.
It’s a very complex (and delicate) system. And imbalances in that system can lead to chronic allergy + immune related diseases.
Need more healthy inspiration? Read my blog: 2 Apps to Keep Your Health Game Strong here.